Bienvenue, mes amis! I've always loved writing, and traveling, and talking to people of all walks of life. I realized I had many stories that I've polished over the years, and decided to write them down. My memory may be hazy, and I've changed some names and places for privacy reasons, but I promise they're mostly true. As true as the size of the fish I caught last week.
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Recent Stories
The Day I Met an Ashley
I wasn't so good at love when I was 8.
That Day in Seoul
An amusing conversation with a tourist in Seoul.
How I Fell In Love With Tarantulas
Did the radioactive tarantulas from missile testing spots near Alamogordo turn you into a chupacabra with superpowers? Despite my many tries, I never actually witnessed that, so let's say I'm agnostic.
That One Time We Missed the Murdering Coyotes
We were well armed and ready to go, but that didn't stop the coyotes from attacking the chickens that night in Colorado.
That Time I Tried a Black Cab in Sichuan
How we happned to get stuck in the forest, surrounded by Chinese rifles.
Bonjour, Tout Le Monde!
Welcome to Mostly True, people of earth!